African priests carried beaded bags, which were used for carrying bones considered to be tokens of seduction. Peasants early on used bags to carry seeds.In fashion, it's the little things that mean a lot. It is significant to you what goes into your bag. Which in turn become very personal, because it conceals a secret that gives you a sense of personal power. For a woman, the bag holds not only the things you need for your day but it is also your personal glamour shop, which is very important to your identity.While the inside of a woman's designer handbag is hypothetically personal and intimate, the outside is a commercial, selling one's place in the world.
The designer handbag remains a very desirable item, with must-have status.Designer Handbags will continue to be invented and re-invented at the turn of every season. They will be done in terry cloth, tweed, with sequins on it, fabric appliques, jewels, clasps, leather, fur and other most recognizable elements. To many women, a bag is the entry-level item to the luxury market.The handbag has become even more significant over the past two decades due to the fact that women do not wear as much fashion. In the 1940's you wore the total fashion look, now clothes are mixed and matched and handbags are part of the new freedom of fashion. It is a lot cheaper to pay for a small bag than an entire outfit."
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