
Chanel Italian Leather just haven't noticed it yet

We admit that we do not like having just one side strap. The two side straps on this handbag actually make it quite practical. Did we mention that this is made out of pure croco leather?It also has light golden bras pieces on it, which adds to the overall look. As for the closure, you will find that it opens and closes with a hook. Inside it, you will find the Louis Vuitton logo, which is how you can tell it is not a replica.Next on our list is the Louis Vuitton Monogram Multicolor Judy, which is a white handbag. Judy MM really did spice things up during the year 2009 and this bag holds the truth. It is a striking design, which reflects that original edgy spirit that was created by popular designer, Takashi Murakami. The trimmings on this bag come to us in natural cowhide leather.There are also golden brass pieces on this bag.

The handbag has an easy closing system and we owe that all to the magnetic top. We seriously adore those magnetic closing tops. With this purse, you can either carry it in your hand or carry it over your shoulder as it has two straps. If you choose to carry it on your shoulder, then you can always remove the short strap.How do you tell if you are buying the real thing? Well, it will come with the replica sewn inside it and it will have its very own serial number. Girls, we only listed a couple of purses and there are many more out there. Also in the Louis Vuitton Seasonal Collection, you will not just come across handbags.You will also find shoes, sunglasses, shirts, belts and even pants. Keep paying attention and we are sure you will see a celebrity wearing one of these handbags, you just haven't noticed it yet.

Gucci Canvas
Gucci Hobo
Chanel Italian Leather

